

Project Briefing Project Manager
Concept Design Art Director
Functional Logics Lead Developer
Development DevOps
Testing QA Managers
Project Briefing Project Manager
Concept Design Art Director

Color utilities

Background colors

Solid colors

.bg-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name.

Light colors

.bg-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name.

Other colors

Some other fade colors are available for background-color.


Gradient colors

gradient colors
gradient colors in dark theme

SVG Img Background

SVG Background with color
SVG Background with Transparent color

Border colors

.border-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name.

Default color

Text colors

Text colors

.text-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name. Please note that you can safely add these classes to an <a> element.


Hover colors

.hover-* can apply to any element, where * is a color name. Please note that you can safely add these classes to an <a> element.

Mayra Sibley

2 Hours

Hi there, I'm Jesse and you?

3 minutes

My name is Anne Clarc.
Mayra Sibley

40 seconds

Nice to meet you Anne.
How can i help you?