

Project Briefing Project Manager
Concept Design Art Director
Functional Logics Lead Developer
Development DevOps
Testing QA Managers
Project Briefing Project Manager
Concept Design Art Director


Gradient Buttons

Using the base class .btn .bg-gradient-

General Buttons

Using the base class .btn .btn-

Light Buttons

Button with outline

Using the base class .btn-outline

light Button with outline

Rounded Buttons

Using the base class .btn-rounded

Light Rounded Buttons

Rounded Outline Buttons

Using the base class .btn-rounded.btn-outline

Light Rounded Outline Buttons

Button Sizes

Using the base class .btn-lg.btn-Primary

Flat Buttons

Using the base class .btn .btn-flat

Light Flat Buttons

Button with icon

Using the base class .btn i class ="fa fa-check

Circle Buttons

Using the base class .btn .btn-circle .btn-


Horizontal Button Group

Horizontal button groups are easy to create with bootstrap. Just add your buttons inside <div class="btn-group"></div>

Vertical Button Group

Vertical button groups are easy to create with bootstrap. Just add your buttons inside <div class="btn-group-vertical"></div>

Social buttons Icon with Name

Use a classes waves-effect waves-light btn btn-social btn-bitbucket / < class="fa fa-bitbucket"></i> to quickly create a General btn.

Social buttons Icon

Use a classes waves-effect waves-light btn btn-social-icon btn-bitbucket to quickly create a General btn.

Social Icon With Circle buttons

Use a classes btn btn-social-icon btn-circle to quickly create a General btn.

Application Buttons

Add the classes .btn.btn-app to an <a> tag to achieve the following:

Mayra Sibley

2 Hours

Hi there, I'm Jesse and you?

3 minutes

My name is Anne Clarc.
Mayra Sibley

40 seconds

Nice to meet you Anne.
How can i help you?